1 module
Leading Edge Group
$125.00 CAD
This course presents PDCA, or more appropriately PDSA in the healthcare context, and A3 as a structured improvement method used in healthcare organizations. The course introduces these tools and presents several examples of their application in implementing change, solving problems, and continuously improving processes in the healthcare sector. It also covers two important team aspects to achieve these goals - team communication and project management.
- Identify components of the PDSA cycle and the activities of each stage
- Identify the meaning of each element of the FOCUS acronym
- Identify potential areas for waste reduction in a healthcare setting
- Explain A3 and how it works with PDSA in a healthcare environment
- Identify the A3 process steps
- Identify elements of a common team communication toolkit
- Identify the goals of an effective agenda
- Define a project
- Identify project management processes
- Describe the opportunity in a case study
Lean Healthcare: PDSA and A3 Thinking in Lean Healthcare
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